Our Services.



Individual Therapy - The cost of counselling can be prohibitive particularly for those who are marginalized by poverty and other barriers. We provide both in-person and (for those with access) online sessions for our clients, subsidized through various sources.

Group Therapy - Group therapy can be a powerful tool. Our groups will be offered to help participants process trauma in a safe, collaborative and compassionate community.

Intern Program - We offer confidential, online counselling to clients throughout BC, using the emerging skills of mature Master’s level students of Counselling Psychology. Flexible, low rates are offered. Available for adults.


Swallowtail Trauma Integration Society partnered with Foodmesh from March 2021 to September 2022, to redirect food and other items from grocery stores to our clients. In that time, over 90,000 meals were distributed to people in need.

People with barriers experience unique needs: Women who live outside often find it difficult to attain feminine supplies; families below the poverty line may not access needs for their infants like formula as easily as those in other economic brackets.

We aim for ZERO WASTE; food not needed by our clients is donated to other local charities, and perishables that have…perished, are donated to local farmers to feed their livestock.

The Future - Portable Services.

Many traumatized people are not only able to access services because of the cost, but because of other systemic issues that are barriers to treatment. People who do not have the privilege of a home may not have the ability to get to a therapist even if sessions were available. Sectors of our society have experienced systemic trauma within the institutions designed to help them, including health, education and justice systems. Trust has been broken.

At Swallowtail, we dream to bring trauma-sensitive therapy directly to the people who need it, where they need it.